Equipment is only a small portion of what makes an outreach event great. These tools are what help us glimpse the wonders of space. Over the years we have built a collection of equipment to meet the needs of our programs. Our equipment provide the best of portability and usability to ensure it keeps up with our ever growing programs. From visual observation to advanced research imaging our equipment can be configured to your program's needs. Click on the images in the gallery below to learn more about our equipment line up.
We work with select set of companies that have provided the telescopes and optical pieces you see at our programs. If you have any questions of our equipment or looking for something of your own please email us at focusastronomy@gmail.com.
Celestron C14 Edge HD
Celestron C11 Edge HD
Celestron C8 Edge HD
Stellarvue SVX-180T
Celestron Origin
ZWO Seestar 50
ZWO Seestar 30
Full collection of TeleVue eyepieces
Full collection of Pentax XW
Solar equipment:
Coronado Solarmax 90 Double Stack
Lunt LS60THa Double Stack
White Light filters for:
2" & 1.25" Hershel Wedges
Sky-Watcher EQ8-Rh
Sky-Watcher Wave 150i
Sky-Watcher Wave 100i
Software Bisque Paramount MyT