Public & Educational Events
Exploring and sharing the wonders of the cosmos has been a goal for Focus from the beginning. We look to work with avenues that allow us to bring our passion for astronomy to the general public and educational venues. We understand astronomy can be a difficult subject to teach so we look to work with educators and public places to provide an astronomy outlet.
Over the years Focus has grown to reach over 30,000 people annually through our outreach events. We look at attending large educational events, festivals, art walks as well as support other astronomy events and programs. Bringing telescopes to unlikely locations to show people that astronomy is accessible to anyone and everyone.
Focus offerings a wide range of capabilities for educational programs. You can check out our Event Offerings page for full details. Below is a list of all the things we can do for the world of education.
Astronomy talks about folklore and science of the night sky.
Night sky viewing
Day time viewing of the Sun and other objects
Hands on meteorite display
Studying the solar spectrum
Basic of optics
Night sky photography workshops
Advanced astrophotography
If you would like us to come out to your school, public event, etc... please let us know. We would love to join in and add something unique to your event.

Upcoming Public Programs
Come join us at any of these up and coming events
Zoo Lights Stargazing
Phoenix Zoo ZooLights stargazing event for Three Kings night.
5:30pm to 8:30pm
Event Info:

PVCC Black Mountain

PVCC Black Mountain